Tecnica di Medicina Rigenerativa – Dott. Massimo Lombardi
Cheratocono – Dott. Massimo Lombardi
Glaucoma – Dott. Massimo Lombardi
Cheratocono – Dott. Massimo Lombardi
Le maculopatie – Dott. Massimo Lombardi
Il Glaucoma come e perchè ci si ammala e come poter guarire.
Il medico chirurgo oculista Dott. Massimo Lombardi ci parla della Lombardi Eye Clinic. Nel video illustra le tecniche innovative e gli interventi pioneristici di medicina rigenerativa del cheratocono da lui ideati. Alcune delle patologie curate nella clinica, in altre sedi vengono considerate ancora inguaribili.
Anni di esperienza rammentano che la particolare tecnica d’induzione alla riproduzione delle cellule staminali su occhi di pazienti con varie patologie risolve definitivamente determinate problematiche.
International Society of Refractive Surgery
Orlando Florida 12-15 june
President`s S.N.Fyodorov Honored Lecture:RK
The video shows Prof.S.N.Fyodorov speaking of his Radial Keratotomy tecnique and the results of the work of his Institute in Moscow.
He declares that his Pupill Dott.Massimo Lombardi has overcame the results of his institute reaching -19 diopters of R.K.correction.
This special and unique ability has allowed Dott.Massimo lombardi to conceive and perform succesfully the A.R.K.first,mini-A.R.K.after and to day the mini-A.S.R.K. for Keratoconus treatment and correction often coupled with S.A.C.L.(Selective Asymmetric Cross Linking).
International Society of Refractive Surgery
Orlando Florida 12-15 june
President`s S.N.Fyodorov Honored Lecture:RK
The video shows Prof.S.N.Fyodorov speaking of his Radial Keratotomy tecnique and the results of the work of his Institute in Moscow.
He declares that his Pupill Dott.Massimo Lombardi has overcame the results of his institute reaching -19 diopters of R.K.correction.
This special and unique ability has allowed Dott.Massimo lombardi to conceive and perform succesfully the A.R.K.first,mini-A.R.K.after and to day the mini-A.S.R.K. for Keratoconus treatment and correction often coupled with S.A.C.L.(Selective Asymmetric Cross Linking).
More information about:
Selective Asymmetric Cross Linking (SACL: non surgical but an implosive medical treatment) and Selective Asymmetric Radial Keratotomy (SARK: implosive surgery)