Center of keratoconus surgery
regenerative medicine, ophtalmology and general medicine
The Lombardi Regenerative Eye Clinic is an advanced ophthalmology regenerative medicine center specialized in the treatment of diseases such as keratoconus, macular degeneration, diseases of the cornea and of the retina.
The team of Dr. Massimo Lombardi is highly qualified and the innovative technologies used offer the best guarantees to safeguard your eyesight.
Dear Prof. Lombardi,after two years I am writing these few lines to prove to you my gratitude for bringing me back to a “normal life.” After bringing to 25 years, hard contact lenses, because of a bilateral keratoconus advanced degree READ MORE
Hi, my name is Niccolo Vargas. I had surgery for my keratoconus I think in 2008. I\’ve had a few check ups since then by local ophthalmologists and they have confirmed the progression of the disease has at least stalled. READ MORE
I wanted you to know that it has meant a great deal to me to be able to see and do all the things that sight allows. The research that reports that stem cell implants can halt damage caused by Macular Degeneration seems to be true for me – at least up until now. READ MORE